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SIA Press Releases

SIA Media Statement Regarding Department of State Release of Strategic Framework for Space Diplomacy

“SIA commends the U.S. Department of State and the Vice President for the recognition of the unprecedented growth of the commercial space sector and the critical role satellites and the entire industry continues to play in maintaining America’s economic prosperity, technological leadership and national security,” said Tom Stroup, president of the Satellite Industry Association.

“SIA applauds the release of the State Department’s Strategic Framework for Space Diplomacy and the report’s appreciation for the need for both traditional diplomacy as well as engagement with the U.S. and worldwide commercial space stakeholders. SIA and its members look forward to continuing to work with the State Department and regulators in advancing space policy to help ensure continued U.S. leadership in commercial space and long-term access to a sustainable space environment.”

About The Satellite Industry Association

SIA is a U.S.-based trade association providing representation of the leading satellite operators, service providers, manufacturers, launch services providers, and ground equipment suppliers. For more than two decades, SIA has advocated on behalf of the U.S. satellite industry on policy, regulatory, and legislative issues affecting the satellite business. For more information, visit