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Commerce Deputy Secretary Graves and Lt. Gen. Saltzman provide Keynote Addresses at 23rd SIA Satellite Industry Leadership Dinner

Washington, D.C., March 22, 2022 – The Satellite Industry Association (SIA) today announced that two keynote speakers addressed the audience at the 23rd annual satellite industry Leadership Dinner that was held on Monday evening at the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC.

Don Graves, Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Commerce and Lt. Gen. B. Chance Saltzman, Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear, United States Space Force, provided the keynote addresses to the gathering of commercial satellite industry leaders and SIA guests.

Don Graves is the 19th Deputy Secretary of Commerce. Prior to joining the Commerce Department he served as Counselor to President Joe Biden during the 2020 presidential campaign. Prior to that, he served as Executive Vice President and Head of Corporate Responsibility and Community Relations at KeyBank. During the Obama-Biden Administration, Graves served as Counselor and Domestic and Economic Policy Director for then-Vice President Biden.  To view a complete copy of Deputy Secretary Graves’ official biography, please visit the following link. Don Graves | U.S. Department of Commerce

As the United States Space Force’s Chief Operations Officer, Lt. Gen. Saltzman has overall responsibility for Operations, Intelligence, Sustainment, Cyber, and Nuclear Operations. He was commissioned in 1991 and has operational experience with missile and space systems, as a Minuteman III launch officer, and as a satellite operator for the National Reconnaissance Office.  He has commanded at the Squadron, Group, and Wing levels and served as Deputy Commander Air Forces Central Command. To view a complete copy of Lt. Gen Saltzman’s official biography, please click on the following link.

“SIA is proud to organize and host the 23rd edition of the satellite industry Leadership Dinner and on behalf of SIA and its members, I would like to thank our esteemed keynote speakers for addressing this gathering of satellite industry leadership and the Association’s guests,” said Tom Stroup, President of the Satellite Industry Association.

“Last summer, Deputy Secretary Graves co-authored an op-ed that specifically identified the Department of Commerce as the agency best positioned to work with commercial sector to support the necessary technical and operational requirements inherent in the provision of space situational awareness (SSA) and space traffic management (STM) services. With STM and SSA being so critical to the future of the commercial satellite industry, SIA and its members look forward to working with Deputy Secretary Graves, the Commerce Department and the National Space Council to help ensure America’s long-term leadership position in the commercial satellite industry.”

Mr. Stroup added, “Earlier this year, Lt. Gen. Saltzman expressed an appreciation for the importance of providing a safe and sustainable on-orbit space environment for both human spaceflight and satellites. He also recognized the recent unprecedented growth of the commercial satellite industry and the importance for the military to leverage those strengths.  SIA and its members look forward to working with the U.S. Space Force and all levels of government to ensure a full understanding of the tremendous innovations that are taking place throughout the commercial satellite industry as well as the services and capabilities the industry can provide to the military.”

For more than two decades, the SIA Satellite Industry Leadership Dinner has been held annually during SATELLITE Week in Washington, DC.  SIA has gathered satellite industry executives and government officials in order to recognize the important role the commercial satellite industry plays both domestically and abroad and to honor individuals who have demonstrated long-term leadership and dedication to public service on issues affecting the industry.  The event is open to SIA Guests, Executive and Associate Members.

About The Satellite Industry Association

SIA is a U.S.-based trade association providing representation of the leading satellite operators, service providers, manufacturers, launch services providers, and ground equipment suppliers. For more than two decades, SIA has advocated on behalf of the U.S. satellite industry on policy, regulatory, and legislative issues affecting the satellite business. For more information, visit

SIA Executive Members include: Amazon; The Boeing Company; DIRECTV; EchoStar Corporation; HawkEye 360; Intelsat S.A.; Iridium Communications Inc.; Kratos Defense & Security Solutions; Ligado Networks; Lockheed Martin Corporation; OneWeb; Planet; SES Americom, Inc.; Space Exploration Technologies Corp.; Spire Global Inc.; and Viasat Inc. SIA Associate Members include: ABS US Corp.; The Aerospace Corporation; Amazon Web Services; Artel, LLC; AST & Science; Astranis Space Technologies Corp.; Blue Origin; Comtech; Eutelsat America Corp.; ExoAnalytic Solutions; Hughes; Inmarsat, Inc.; Kymeta Corporation; Leonardo DRS; Lynk; Omnispace; OneWeb Technologies; Ovzon; Panasonic Avionics Corporation; Peraton; SpaceLink; Telesat Canada; ULA; UltiSat and XTAR, LLC. SIA Affiliate Members include: ARA; Aurora Insight; COMSAT; Davis Wright Tremaine; Envistacom, LLC; Genus Group; Hogan Lovells; Integrasys LLC, Kaman Precision Products; Kencast; Keysight Technologies, Inc.; Media Broadcast Satellite; Orange Business Services; Plexus Corp; Sheppard Mullin; Skylo Technologies and Wiley