
Through its members, Board of Directors, Working Groups and staff, the Satellite Industry Association pursues a diverse set of missions and goals on behalf of the commercial satellite industry. SIA’s current goals include:

  • Promote satellite-based technologies and services as part of the nation’s regulatory, policy and legislative agenda;
  • Promote general public awareness and appreciation of the value of satellite technology and services in the nation’s security, the U.S. and global economy and in daily life;
  • Educate U.S. government (USG) stakeholders about satellite-based technology and capabilities and satellite market dynamics (See the SATELLITE 101 for Lawmakers Presentation below);
  • Advocate efficient and appropriate regulatory processes for spacecraft and for satellite services, networks and ground equipment;
  • Pursue spectrum management policies that enable ongoing satellite innovation and investment, and which protect satellite systems from harmful interference;
  • Encourage policies and practices that promote USG utilization of satellites, services and ground equipment to the maximum practical extent;
  • Promote policies and practices that support and reflect the public safety and homeland security benefits of the satellite industry to the FCC, Congress, the Administration and first responders;
  • Advocate improvements to the U.S. export licensing and policy framework for satellites, components, technical data, and ground equipment;
  • Promote open and fair market access for satellite services and equipment throughout the world.