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Mission and Goals


The Satellite Industry Association’s mission is to educate government and civil society on satellite technology and services and their value, and to advocate before U.S. government and to non-U.S. and international governmental institutions for regulations, policies and practices that encourage the satellite industry to invest, innovate and flourish.

2016 – 2017 MISSION AND GOALS:

Through its members, Board of Directors, Working Groups and staff, the Satellite Industry Association pursues a diverse set of missions and goals on behalf of the commercial satellite industry. .

Strategic Goals

  • Promote satellite-based technologies and services as part of the nation’s regulatory, policy and legislative agenda;
  • Promote general public awareness and appreciation of the value of satellite technology and services in the nation’s security, the U.S. and global economy and in daily life;
  • Educate U.S. government (USG) stakeholders about satellite-based technology and capabilities and satellite market dynamics;
    Advocate efficient and appropriate regulatory processes for spacecraft and for satellite services, networks and ground equipment;
  • Pursue spectrum management policies that enable ongoing satellite innovation and investment, and which protect satellite systems from harmful interference;
  • Encourage policies and practices that promote USG utilization of satellites, services and ground equipment to the maximum practical extent;
  • Promote policies and practices that support and reflect the public safety and homeland security benefits of the satellite industry to the FCC, Congress, the Administration and first responders; Advocate improvements to the U.S. export licensing and policy framework for satellites, components, technical data, and ground equipment;
  • Promote open and fair market access for satellite services and equipment throughout the world.

Promote Awareness and Appreciation of Satellite-Based Technologies and Services Among USG Stakeholders

  • Ensure that satellite technology and services are appropriately reflected in relevant USG policies, including for communications, regulatory, trade, national security, space, homeland security, public safety, and budget;
  • Develop and disseminate to SIA member companies and USG stakeholders sector-specific indicators for the satellite market and underlying space industrial base;
  • Educate policymakers, regulators, and other constituencies on the roles of satellite technology and services in everyday life and on developments in satellite technologies and networks.

Advocate Efficient and Appropriate Satellite Licensing and Spectrum Management Processes

  • Advocate for the equitable treatment of satellite-based communications services in the nation’s regulatory framework, including access to spectrum resources;
  • Promote streamlined and efficient regulatory and licensing frameworks for satellite spacecraft, services and ground facilities;
  • Encourage policies that promote innovation in satellite networks, services and ground equipment, while respecting the substantial investments made in legacy satellite investment and infrastructure;
  • Oppose additional encroachment into allocated satellite frequency bands by other wireless services;
  • Oppose the imposition of additional taxes or fees on satellite spectrum usage.

Encourage Policies and Practices that Promote USG Utilization of Satellites, Services, and Ground Equipment

  • Advocate for U.S. space and communications policies reflect appropriately the unique aspects of satellite systems and the roles of satellite services, technology and innovation;
  • Support policies and dialogue that promote space situational awareness, safety of flight , information assurance, and radio frequency interference mitigation for commercial satellite systems;
  • Promote federal agencies’ long-term budgeting, planning and forecasting for their commercial satellite communications requirements;
  • Advocate procurement practices and regulatory and spectrum policies that enable U.S. federal government agencies to effectively utilize satellites, services, and ground equipment.
  • Encourage that the nation’s broader space policies appropriately reflect the role of the commercial satellite sector and facilitate ongoing investment and innovation.

Promote Policies and Practices that Support and Reflect the Public Safety and Homeland Security Benefits of the Satellite Industry

  • Ensure that the nation’s policies and plans for national security, public safety, and emergency communications appropriately reflect the roles and capabilities of satellite-based communications;
  • Represent the U.S. satellite industry’s interests in U.S. government advisory and technical groups discussing public safety, emergency communications, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief;
  • Educate key USG stakeholders on the roles of satellite networks and capabilities for first responders, public safety, and law enforcement communities.
  • Encourage the appropriate inclusion of satellite-based solutions in any relevant U.S. government public safety procurement, grant and funding programs;
  • Develop collateral materials and discussion opportunities for education and outreach on satellite capabilities to first responders, public safety and law enforcement communities.

Advocate Improvements to the U.S. Export Licensing and Policy Framework for Satellites, Components, Technical Data, and Ground Equipment

  • Promote the timely and effective implementation of legislative reform to the U.S. export licensing regime for satellites, satellite components, ground support systems, and related technical data to realistically reflect their state of the art and commercial availability;
  • Support improved efficiency and effectiveness in U.S. export licensing processes and procedures.

Promote Open and Fair Market Access for Satellite Services and Equipment Throughout the World

  • Promote fair market access for the provision of satellite services and trade in satellite equipment globally;
  • Support and participate in U.S. government initiatives for international trade liberalization;
  • Educate foreign regulators, policymakers and lawmakers on the role of satellite communications.
  • Work with the U.S. Government trade and diplomatic officials to promote the sale of U.S. satellite technologies and services in international markets.