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ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin Receives Satellite Industry Association Leadership Award

Washington, D.C., March 11, 2025 – The Satellite Industry Association (SIA) announced Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), as the recipient of the 2025 Satellite Leadership in Government Award. SIA President Tom Stroup presented the award at the 26th annual Satellite Industry Association Leadership Dinner on Monday evening in Washington, DC.

The award recognizes the Secretary-General’s distinguished career in both domestic and international space policy. For over 30 years, she has dedicated herself to promoting telecommunications and connectivity. Prior to her election in 2022 as the first female Secretary-General of the ITU in the Union’s 160-year history, Ms. Bogdan-Martin was elected to be the Director of the ITU’s Bureau of Telecommunication Development (BDT), the first woman to be hold one of the ITU’s five leadership positions. She began her career as a telecommunications policy specialist at the U.S. Department of Commerce and National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA). She joined ITU in 1994.

“On behalf of SIA and its members, it is my great pleasure to honor Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin with this year’s Leadership Award for her current role as head of the ITU and for championing satellite industry policy interests for more than three decades,” said Tom Stroup, president of the Satellite Industry Association. The ITU’s recognition of the importance of space-based services has helped pave the way for the unprecedented growth of the commercial space and satellite industries.

“The Secretary-General is dedicated to bridging the global digital divide. Her recognition of the resilience and importance of the satellite industry, not just in connecting the world’s unconnected, but in providing critical services to billions of people around the world each day, was evident at the most recent ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23). There, ITU Member States agreed on the agenda for the next WRC in 2027 that will have a strong focus on space and satellite-related issues including fixed satellite, mobile satellite and scientific services.

“SIA and its members look forward to continue working with the Secretary-General and her leadership team in order to manage the critical satellite spectrum assets needed to connect the world and build a space future economy that we can all share.”

For a copy of the Secretary-General’s Leadership Dinner remarks, please click on the following link.

To view a copy of Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin’s ITU biography, please click on the following link.

About The Satellite Industry Association
SIA is a U.S.-based trade association providing representation of the leading satellite operators, service providers, manufacturers, launch services providers, and ground equipment suppliers. For more than two decades, SIA has advocated on behalf of the U.S. satellite industry on policy, regulatory, and legislative issues affecting the satellite business. For more information, visit

SIA Executive Members include: Amazon; Comtech; DIRECTV; EchoStar Corporation; Eutelsat Group; HawkEye 360; Intelsat S.A.; Iridium Communications Inc.; Kratos Defense & Security Solutions; Ligado Networks; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Planet Labs PBC; SES Americom, Inc.; Spire Global Inc.; and Viasat Inc. SIA Associate Members include: ABS US Corp.; The Aerospace Corporation; Artel, LLC; AST Space Mobile; Astranis Space Technologies Corp.; The Boeing Company; Eutelsat America Corp + OneWeb Technologies; ExoAnalytic Solutions; Integrasys LLC; Kinematics; Kymeta Corporation; Omnispace; Ovzon; Panasonic Avionics Corporation; Skyloom and Telesat. SIA Affiliate Members include: AvL Technologies; COMSAT; Cooley LLP; Digital Locations, Inc.; DLA Piper; Globalstar; Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn); Hogan Lovells; Keysight Technologies, Inc.; Media Broadcast Satellite; Orbital Research; Peraton; Plexus Corp; Quadsat; Sheppard Mullin; Wiley; Xairos Systems Inc., and XTAR, LLC.

Media and PR Contact: Dean Hirasawa
Satellite Industry Association
Endeavour Communications

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