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FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and Assistant Secretary of Defence for Space Policy Dr. John Plumb Deliver Keynote Addresses at 24th Annual Satellite Industry Leadership Dinner

Washington, D.C., March 16, 2023 – The Satellite Industry Association (SIA) today announced that two keynote speakers addressed the audience at the 24th annual satellite industry Leadership Dinner that was held on Monday evening at the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC.  Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel and Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy Dr. John Plumb, provided the keynote addresses to the gathering of satellite industry leaders and SIA guests.

“On behalf of SIA and its members, I would like to thank our esteemed keynote speakers for addressing this gathering of satellite industry leadership and the Association’s guests,” said Tom Stroup, president of the Satellite Industry Association.

“Since his nomination as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, Dr. John Plumb has emphasized the importance of moving forward matters such as Space Traffic Management, advocating to move responsibility from the Pentagon to a civil authority. More recently, his focus has targeted the emerging security issues in Space Policy especially at a time when commercial access to space has grown at a tremendous rate. As our industry continues to expand, it was a privilege to have Dr. Plumb deliver his address. SIA and its members look forward to working with the Assistant Secretary and the Defense Department, to help ensure America’s secure long-term leadership position in the commercial satellite industry.”

“It was my distinct privilege to introduce the chairwoman,” said Jennifer Warren, executive chair of the Satellite Industry Association.  “Going back to 2014, then-Commissioner Rosenworcel expressed her fascination with and interest in satellite and space capabilities.  Today, we see her commitment to supporting US local leadership in the space economy.   For example, she is reorganizing the agency to create a space bureau to stay apace with the innovations across our industry. She also reflected upon the need to be first globally in the creation of an enabling regulatory frameworks, such as for satellite direct to devices. We can only imagine the many other space and satellite firsts to come under her leadership.  We thank the Chairwoman for addressing our industry leadership and look forward to working with her and the FCC to further strengthen America’s space leadership.”

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel believes that the future belongs to the connected. She works to promote greater opportunity, accessibility, and affordability in our communications services in order to ensure that all Americans get a fair shot at 21st century success. To view a complete copy of Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s official FCC biography, please click on the following link.

Dr. John F. Plumb was confirmed in March 2022 as the first Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy. In this role he is responsible for the overall supervision of policy for the Department of Defense for space warfighting. To view Dr. Plumb’s official biography, please click on the following link.

For more than two decades, the SIA Satellite Industry Leadership Dinner has been held annually during SATELLITE Week in Washington, DC.  SIA has gathered satellite industry executives and government officials in order to recognize the important role the commercial satellite industry plays both domestically and abroad and to honor individuals who have demonstrated long-term leadership and dedication to public service on issues affecting the industry.  The event is open to SIA Guests, Executive and Associate Members.

To view a copy of FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel’s written remarks from the Leadership Dinner, please see the following link.

About The Satellite Industry Association

SIA is a U.S.-based trade association providing representation of the leading satellite operators, service providers, manufacturers, launch services providers, and ground equipment suppliers. For more than two decades, SIA has advocated on behalf of the U.S. satellite industry on policy, regulatory, and legislative issues affecting the satellite business. For more information, visit

SIA Executive Members include: Amazon; The Boeing Company; DIRECTV; EchoStar Corporation; HawkEye 360; Intelsat S.A.; Iridium Communications Inc.; Kratos Defense & Security Solutions; Ligado Networks; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Northrop Grumman; OneWeb; Planet Labs PBC; SES Americom, Inc.; Spire Global Inc.; and Viasat Inc. SIA Associate Members include: ABS US Corp.; The Aerospace Corporation; Artel, LLC; AST Space Mobile; Astranis Space Technologies Corp.; Aurora Insight; Blue Origin; Comtech; Eutelsat America Corp.; ExoAnalytic Solutions; Hughes; Inmarsat, Inc.; Kymeta Corporation; Leonardo; Lynk; Omnispace; OneWeb Technologies; Ovzon; Panasonic Avionics Corporation; Skyloom; Telesat Canada; ULA and XTAR, LLC. SIA Affiliate Members include: ARA; ATG; Davis Wright Tremaine; DLA Piper; EVONA; Genus Group; Hogan Lovells; Integrasys LLC; Kencast; Keysight Technologies, Inc.; Media Broadcast Satellite; Orange Business Services; Orbital Research; Peraton; Plexus Corp; SD Government; Sheppard Mullin; Skylo Technologies and Wiley