FCC Chairman Brendan Carr Delivers Keynote Address at 26th Annual Satellite Industry Association Leadership Dinner
Washington, D.C., March 11, 2025 – The Satellite Industry Association (SIA) today announced that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Brendan Carr was the keynote speaker at this year’s SIA Leadership Dinner, held on Monday evening in Washington, DC. Chairman Carr delivered the keynote address to a gathering of satellite industry leaders and SIA guests at SIA’s 26th annual Dinner.
Chairman Carr is the senior Republican on the FCC, has served previously as the Commission’s General Counsel and was nominated by both President Trump and President Biden. He has been confirmed unanimously by the Senate three times. Mr. Carr has led the FCC’s work to modernize its infrastructure rules and accelerate the buildout of high-speed broadband networks. Earlier this year, the Chairman stated, “America’s space economy is vital to our global leadership and to ensuring that communities across the country benefit from next-gen services. The satellite industry in particular has made remarkable strides in recent years. And it is important that the FCC put the right regulatory framework in place—one that will further fuel the space industry’s growth.”
“On behalf of SIA and our members, it is my pleasure to thank FCC Chairman Carr for addressing our gathering of satellite industry leadership and the Association guests,” said Tom Stroup, president of the Satellite Industry Association. SIA greatly appreciates the Chairman’s attendance and recognition of the expanding importance of satellites and the value of a licensing regime that will further support a growing space industry.
“SIA and its members look forward to continue working with the Chairman, the Space Bureau and the entire leadership team at the FCC to help ensure long-term expansion of the satellite industry and America’s leadership in space innovation and the global space economy.”
To view a complete copy of Chairman Carr’s FCC biography, please click on the following link. https://www.fcc.gov/about/leadership/brendan-carr
For more than a quarter century, the SIA Satellite Industry Leadership Dinner has been held annually during SATELLITE Week in Washington, DC. SIA has gathered satellite industry executives and government officials in order to recognize the important role the commercial satellite industry plays both domestically and abroad and to honor individuals who have demonstrated long-term leadership and dedication to public service on issues affecting the industry. The event is open to SIA Guests, Executive and Associate Members.
About The Satellite Industry Association
SIA is a U.S.-based trade association providing representation of the leading satellite operators, service providers, manufacturers, launch services providers, and ground equipment suppliers. For more than two decades, SIA has advocated on behalf of the U.S. satellite industry on policy, regulatory, and legislative issues affecting the satellite business. For more information, visit www.sia.org.
SIA Executive Members include: Amazon; Comtech; DIRECTV; EchoStar Corporation; Eutelsat Group; HawkEye 360; Intelsat S.A.; Iridium Communications Inc.; Kratos Defense & Security Solutions; Ligado Networks; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Planet Labs PBC; SES Americom, Inc.; Spire Global Inc.; and Viasat Inc. SIA Associate Members include: ABS US Corp.; The Aerospace Corporation; Artel, LLC; AST Space Mobile; Astranis Space Technologies Corp.; The Boeing Company; Eutelsat America Corp + OneWeb Technologies; ExoAnalytic Solutions; Integrasys LLC; Kinematics; Kymeta Corporation; Omnispace; Ovzon; Panasonic Avionics Corporation; Skyloom and Telesat. SIA Affiliate Members include: AvL Technologies; COMSAT; Cooley LLP; Digital Locations, Inc.; DLA Piper; Globalstar; Hon Hai Technology Group (Foxconn); Hogan Lovells; Keysight Technologies, Inc.; Media Broadcast Satellite; Orbital Research; Peraton; Plexus Corp; Quadsat; Sheppard Mullin; Wiley; Xairos Systems Inc., and XTAR, LLC.
Media and PR Contact: Dean Hirasawa
Satellite Industry Association
Email: dhirasawa@sia.org
Endeavour Communications